Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

How many years had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering with her problem, before Jesus healed her?

4 years
16 years
8 years
12 years

Find this question in our The Ministry of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: 12 years

Mark 5:25-26 - The woman suffered for 12 long years, highlighting her desperation and faith. Interestingly, this period mirrors the age of Jairus’ daughter, emphasizing Jesus’ power over life and death. This story also reflects themes of purity and faith, as she boldly touches Jesus' garment seeking healing.

The account of the woman with the issue of blood offers an empowering glimpse into the lives of those often sidelined by society. Twelve years—not just a random number, but a poignant echo of struggle, isolation, and ultimately, an unwavering belief in hope. While she faced physical symptoms worried by the society’s strict cleanliness laws, her tenacity to reach out for help speaks to the human spirit.

Consider for a moment the cultural significance of this woman's condition during biblical times. Anyone with the issue of blood was deemed "unclean" according to Levitical law, reflecting deep social and spiritual ramifications. You could almost hear society whispering 'unclean!' as she ventured out to seek healing. Touching Jesus, however, represented a radical act of faith—she believed that even a brush with Him would cure her, a sentiment far more powerful than any given physician’s authority.

Interestingly, this story intertwines with the healing of Jairus’ daughter, who also represented the fragility of life, at just twelve years old. The connections within these narratives serve to announce—not just Jesus' ability to heal common ailments but His compelling announcement of the arrival of wholeness in an environment of brokenness. His actions shattered barriers, signaling that health and life tumbling out of societal boundaries was possible—a meaningful reminder that compassion can triumph over the rigid laws of tradition. As a reader, don't you find inspiration in her boldness and persistence? It reveals so much about courage—no matter the timeframe one has endured!

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