Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

God appeared to Jacob in a vision at Beer-sheba, but what did he tell him?

Out of his house would come a saviour
His people would be made into a slave nation
He would be made into a great nation
He would see his lost son again

Find this question in our Jacob Bible Quiz

The answer is: He would be made into a great nation

Genesis 46:2-3 - In this significant moment, God reassured Jacob as he faced uncertainty about moving to Egypt. The promise of nation-building reflects God's covenant with Abraham and Isaac, emphasizing continuity in divine purpose. Interestingly, Jacob’s name means "supplanter," yet God elevated him into patriarchal status, illustrating His transformative power.

In this pivotal moment in Jacob’s life, we witness more than a reassurement; we experience a theme recurrent through the Genesis narrative: from Abraham to Isaac, and now Jacob, it’s about legacy and promise. God's assurance over Jacob not only calmed his fears but reinforced the idea of an unfolding covenant relationship that truly ties these patriarchs together across generations.

As fate would have it, Jacob is about to begin a long chapter in Egypt, which we know will affect not just him, but future generations – the backdrop to an epic story of family, betrayal, and ultimately, redemption. It’s worth noting that Beer-sheba itself plays a crucial role throughout biblical history as a geographical marker of God's promises; both Isaac and his father, Abraham, made pivotal covenants there.

In fact, in the Hebrew Bible, "Be'er Sheva'" translates to "well of the seven," highlighting an important oasis in this agrarian context. The very place among rocks and chill winds transformed into the backdrop for God’s assurance reminded Jacob that sometimes our greatest journeys begin in the most profound uncertainties—clear echoes later seen in Moses' call from the burning bush and those pivotal moments in the footsteps of Jesus.

This call for nation-building resonates through Scripture, giving giants like Moses and David—a legacy charged with echoes of countless destinies yet to unfold under God's clear vision, giving remarkable context to each of their choices woven together through divine intention.

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