Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Who was Moses' successor?


Find this question in our The Exodus Bible Quiz

The answer is: Joshua

Deut 31:23

When we think about great leaders in the Bible, Moses naturally comes to mind. His leadership through the Exodus set the stage for what would become a rich and profound era in Israelite history. But every great leader eventually steps aside, and in Moses' case, that person was Joshua.

Joshua’s unique trajectory started when he was one of the twelve spies sent to scout out the Promised Land. It’s fascinating to note that he and Caleb boldly stood against the fearful reports of the other spies, asserting, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13:30). This fearlessness is a notable trait that showcased his faith and solidified his eventual role as Moses’ successor—something that highlights the greatness that can come from trusting one's convictions.

As Moses prepared to enter into his rest, he laid hands on Joshua, signifying the passing of authority—a significant ritual in biblical culture. This transfer emphasized that leadership isn’t just about power; it involves mentorship, guidance, and shared responsibilities. Truly, Joshua’s leadership marked pivotal moments where he demonstrated loyalty, strength, and unwavering dedication to his people.

He leads the charge into the Promised Land, Israel claiming territory that resonates with promises made to its ancestors. His story ultimately unfolds over a journey from wilderness wanderings to destiny realized, inspiring us to embrace our own paths and trust the journey ahead, always poised for the battles against our own giants.

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