Bible Trivia Question
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Who said to Jesus, "increase our faith!"?
Martha & Mary
The Apostles
The Samaritans
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Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: The Apostles
Luke 17:5
In the Gospel of Luke, we find the Apostles at a point of fervent curiosity and need, as they turn to Jesus with the request, "Increase our faith!" This simple yet profound plea touches on a rich theme in Scripture: the ever-growing and often challenging nature of belief.
The context here is enlightening. Jesus has just given His followers some tough teachings about forgiveness, which can feel particularly overwhelming—after all, forgiving others repeatedly demands a great deal of inner strength. It’s no surprise they felt their faith could use some serious boosting! This request, rather humbly made, reveals how they recognized the need for support in their spiritual journey.
Interestingly, throughout the Bible, there's a recurring theme of faith being likened to seeds. Just like a tiny mustard seed can grow into a great tree, your faith, no matter how small, has potential! Jesus even illustrates this to emphasize that faith doesn't have to be massive to have a tremendous impact.
Outside of this passage, did you know that the Apostle Paul makes faith a centerpiece of his letters? He often discusses how faith is not merely belief in doctrine but a relational trust in a higher purpose. The concept of increasing faith suggests an ongoing journey—one that invites questions, experiences, doubts, and reconstructions along the way. It’s an inspiration for anyone who’s ever struggled, reminding us all that seeking knowledge and deeper understanding is part of growth. Isn’t that a wonderfully engaging thought?
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