Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Where were the disciples first called Christians?


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The answer is: Antioch

Acts 11:26

The term "Christian" first emerged in the bustling city of Antioch, where the early followers of Jesus were attempting to define their new identity distanced from Judaism. Imagine that lively corner of the Roman Empire filled with diverse cultures, philosophies, and, as it were, a lot of "firsts"! This was the place to encounter multitude and difference, sort of like the melting pot of the ancient world.

Antioch was more than just a large urban hub; it was pivotal in the spread of early Christianity. After the stoning of Stephen (found in Acts 7), many of the disciples fled Jerusalem and specifically landed in Antioch, sharing their beliefs among Jews and Gentiles alike. The fellowship they shared was revolutionary! What makes this interesting is that the label “Christian” wasn't self-selected; it came as a kind of:

“Hey, look at them! They’re followers of Christ!”

Around that same time, Antioch also developed into a crucial Antiochian stream of Christianity, enabling communities to set their distinct interpretations of Jesus' teachings. Today, the nickname "Christian" often carries historical, cultural, and even denominational weight, but its initial application was clearly tied to a vibrant community formed around a shared belief not just in a historical figure but in a revolutionary promise of love and inclusivity: a message welcoming everyone to the table!

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