Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

How many angels appeared with the disciples as Jesus ascended to heaven?


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The answer is: Two

Acts 1:10

In the book of Acts, we find a compelling scene where Jesus, after His resurrection, is taken up to Heaven in a glorious display. As the disciples watch, two angels appear beside them filled with assurance and purpose. This isn't just a casual encounter; it represents a divine promise — essentially conveying that Jesus will return in the same way He ascended.

The number of angels, two, might make you think about scripture's penchant for the recurring significance of the number two. In the Bible, having a pair often symbolizes the establishment of truth. For instance, witnesses are needed to establish a testimony (Deuteronomy 19:15). The two angels underline the message of hope: just as they came to guide the disciples, they remind their audience that nothing is permanent on Earth, and help is always on hand from the divine realm.

Interestingly enough, angels in ancient culture served various roles, often described as messengers between the divine and humanity, which still resonates today. In fact, the Greek term “angelos” means messenger! It’s intriguing to consider that many civilizations had their own understanding of these heavenly beings. While our globe spins on, the concept of angels serving as protectors and guides brings a sense of community to those searching for answers in both ancient and modern contexts.

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