Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

When Isaiah describes the desolation of the last days, a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, to the moles and the what?


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The answer is: Bats

Isa 2:20

In Isaiah 2:20, when it mentions men casting away their idols to "moles and bats," it paints a striking picture of a future where material possessions and false gods lose their significance. Moles and bats—creatures often associated with darkness and neglect—highlight a powerful theme: what once seemed valuable will be tossed aside when true light dawns.

Moles are renowned for their burrowing, subterranean lifestyle, rarely seen basking in sunlight. This depicts a reality where manmade treasures recoil into obscurity. Bats, often portrayed in folklore as harbingers of illomen, also linger in darkness, symbolizing misguided beliefs overshadowed by ignorance.

Interestingly, bats often serve essential functions in ecosystems, from pest control to pollination. In Biblical literature, animals usually symbolize greater truths. In the Sanhedrin, a sort of unifying council predicting the changes in society included imagery reminiscent of bats clairvoyantly reflecting humanity's choices to relinquish worldly desires.

Moreover, trivia time! In the ancient Near East, many societies worshipped deities associated with wealth and prosperity; deities encased in intricate idols created from glorious materials. This redundancy underscores the futility of idolatry: unyielding gold and silver idols lead to desolation rather than elevation. Hence, the visual of tossing treasures to creatures of darkness becomes a symbolism alerting us to critique our own priorities. Ultimately, Isaiah's message resonates, encouraging a reexamination of what is worthy of reverence in the future!

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