Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
What did God say about everything that he had made?
It was okay
It was wonderful
It was satisfactory
Find this question in our Creation Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: It was good
Gen 1:31
In Genesis 1:31, we find a powerful reflection—a divine stamp of approval where everything God made is declared, “Very good.” This idea opens up fascinating discussions about the inherent value and interconnection of all creation. In each passing day of creation, there's a rhythm; God creates, names it, observes it, and then calls it good. By the time the universe culminates with humankind crafted in God’s image, the emphasis on goodness emphasizes the sacredness of all aspects of the creation story.
Plus, here's a delightful tidbit: Hebrew poetry, often found in biblical texts, tends to use rhythm and repetition to accentuate themes. Universally, one kind of poetry sings praises, and in this creation narrative, the repetition of "good" elevates each element to a celebrated status, drawing us into a world that's not just functional but buzzing with purpose.
Interestingly, the idea of “good” doesn’t simply refer to an absence of bad; it suggests a thriving state, a shalom-breaking act throughout heaven and earth. There's a resonance here that echoes through centuries of later theology—that all created things serve a purpose and fit into the divine narrative.
And for a fun connection point, it’s enlightening to note that long before modern environmentalism, this text planted seeds advocating for reverence towards nature. Reflect on the beauty around you, recognizing that in essence, it was all seen as “very good” by the Creator!
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