Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Why were the Israelites told not to gather the gleanings of the harvest?

To provide for the poor
To feed the wild animals
They were unclean
To keep the land fertile

Find this question in our Harvest Bible Quiz

The answer is: To provide for the poor

Lev 23:22

In Leviticus 23:22, we uncover a beautiful tapestry of care woven into the laws for Israel’s agricultural practices. The instruction not to gather the gleanings isn’t just about farming; it reflects deep compassion for the vulnerable in society. By leaving the edges of the fields unharvested and the fallen crops behind, landowners, or “the haves,” were allowing “the have-nots,” namely the poor and the stranger, to partake in the bounty.

This act of leaving some grain for the less fortunate establishes a vivid picture of community and responsibilities etched into the hearts of people. Interestingly, this practice of leaving gleanings echoed throughout the early agricultural communities and persists in similar forms today. From this ancient wisdom springs forward modern initiatives like food banks and gleaning programs, rooted in the view that abundance should nourish everyone.

Moreover, the biblical echo of providing for those in need is abundant throughout scripture. Notably, in the New Testament, Jesus emphasizes caring for the hungry and acknowledges that whatever we do for the “least of these,” we do for Him. This reinforces that even the smallest of acts—like leaving behind the extras from our harvest—can mean the world to someone in need.

So next time you enjoy a hearty meal, why not leave a little something behind for another? Just like the Israelites set a tradition of generosity, we can carry that spirit of kindness into our own communities, making a difference through simple actions.

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