Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What does Jesus say to do if your right hand causes you to sin?

Tie it behind your back
Pray for forgiveness
Cut it off
Burn it in the fire

Find this question in our The Gospel of Matthew Bible Quiz

The answer is: Cut it off

Matt 5:30

In Matthew 5:30, the striking suggestion that one should "cut off" a hand that causes harm echoes powerful themes about the seriousness of sin. Rather than advocating for literal self-mutilation, this hyperbolic language emphasizes the need to take drastic measures against anything that leads us away from our better self, including harmful habits, behaviors, or even relationships.

In the broader context of Jesus’ teaching in this sermon on the mount, He urges His followers to look deeper than mere rules; it’s about heart transformation. This call for radical action can mirror a proverb often referred to in modern times: "If it doesn't serve you, let it go."

Interestingly, this metaphor of a hand isn’t just random; it connects played out around biblical times, where hands represented our actions. Fun fact: there appears to be a similar notion in other wisdom literature, urging people to rid their lives of toxic things like “plucking out an eye” for it prevents one from strolling down destructive paths—make careful choices.

This command draws people's attention back to the importance of integrity and self-control, revealing that perhaps even deep-rooted traditions and practices can limit spiritual growth. It teaches us that re-evaluating our influences and environments is part of pursuing a life aligned with core values. Utilized thoughtfully, sayings from this point encourage an active examination and a fierce commitment to personal ideals!

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