Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did God give man to eat?

Fish and Plants
Animals and Plants
Animals and Fish
Plants and Fruit

Find this question in our Creation Bible Quiz

The answer is: Plants and Fruit

Gen 1:29 - Man wasn't given meat to eat until after the flood (9:3)

In the early chapters of Genesis, we get an insightful peek into the divine intent for humanity’s original diet. Imagine a world thriving in lush greenery, where the only dietary staples were vibrant fruits and hearty plants! Genesis 1:29 offers this fascinating glimpse: God subtly establishes a plant-based menu for humanity. This sparks curiosity—what if Adam snacked on apples plucked right from the Garden of Eden? Did Eve make delicious salads using everything but the sprig of knowledge that led to their downfall?

Meanwhile, the shift with the Flood narrative in Genesis 9:3 opens a world of change. With the return of life on earth, humans were finally granted permission to eat meat. Intriguingly enough, this marks a pivotal transition in humanity’s relationship with the creation around us. It serves as a reflection of evolving stewardship; while the original diet differed vastly from what would come later, it highlights humanity's dependence on the natural world for sustenance.

Shortly after, we can ponder the many outputs from this original diet, like grains and legumes, yielding not just food but community building around shared meals. This foundational aspect resonates tightly with many principles of care for one another and for the earth—an essential component for thriving together harmoniously. Exploring this gives us a more profound appreciation for every green thing gifted in our lives—not only leading thoughts about the past but encouraging reflections about cultivating a better future for generations to come.

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