Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What is the 3rd of the Ten Commandments?

Don't take God's name in vain
Honour your parents
No other gods
No graven images

Find this question in our The 10 Commandments & Other Laws Bible Quiz

The answer is: Don't take God's name in vain

Exo 20:7 - Roman Catholics often leave the 2nd commandment out of their catechisms, the one about no graven images and add an extra one about coveting at the end to make the ten. "No graven images" forbade the worship of images, whether the true God was being worshipped or not.

The third commandment, which urges us not to take God's name in vain, serves as a profound reminder of how sacred names and titles are in our beliefs. This instruction fits into the greater idea of reverence for the divine. In ancient times, names held immense power—especially in the Near Eastern cultures surrounding Israel. Calling someone by name was akin to invoking a part of their essence.

Interestingly, in Hebrew tradition, the name of God (YHWH) was so revered that it was spoken only in certain sacred contexts, and even then, often softened to "Adonai" (Lord) during readings. So, God’s name was safeguarded, keeping it far removed from casual or irreverent use. This echoes the respect and deep sense of intimacy people are encouraged to establish with the divine presence around them.

In daily life, this commandment prompts reflection on any careless remarks, especially jokes or slogans that trivialize what many hold dear. It connects to broader themes, sitting not just in isolation but as part of forming a dignified and respectful relationship with spirituality.

Remember, the Ten Commandments were given in a unique historical context, striving for a moral framework in ancient communities. While today's discussions about ethics may not cross the same boundaries, they tap into those age-old wisdom trees swaying in the winds of belief, challenging us to ponder how we invoke the ineffable in our continuously evolving expressions of faith.

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