Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise... what?

instruction and judgement
Knowledge and wisdom
Wisdom and instruction
Discipline and judgement

Find this question in our Proverbs Bible Quiz

The answer is: Wisdom and instruction

Pro 1:7

In this memorable verse from Proverbs, we're called to recognize the great value of wisdom and instruction. What’s intriguing is not just what the verse reveals but the way it encapsulates a fundamental view of humanity: knowledge begins with a reverence for deeper truths and a humility to learn. The term "the fear of the Lord" doesn't suggest being scared in a traditional sense. Instead, it prompts us to respect and honor something larger than ourselves, something crucial for our moral and intellectual growth.

Diving deeper, Proverbs highlights the contrast between the wise and the foolish—the wise cherish learning and seek understanding, while the foolish often dismiss valuable insights, thinking they already know it all. This echoes a saying often attributed to Aristotle: "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know."

Fun fact: the book of Proverbs is part of what's known as the Wisdom Literature in the Bible, along with Ecclesiastes and Job. These books offer an enormous treasure trove of insights into life, morality, and justice, framing complex spiritual ideas with everyday experiences. It’s a bit like finding surprising nuggets of golden advice from a wise elder—you might just discover that embracing some of these "foolish" instructions can lead to the wisdom you're truly craving! So next time you encounter unwelcomed wisdom or critique, remember it’s not foolishness requiring disdain; it could be the doorway to enhancing your understanding of life's experiences.

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