Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Who told Joseph not to fear taking Mary as his wife?

The Wise Men
The Shepherds
Angel of the Lord

Find this question in our The Gospel of Matthew Bible Quiz

The answer is: Angel of the Lord

Matt 1:20

In a moment gripped by uncertainty, it’s fascinating to think about how the whole chain of events hinged on Joseph's response to this divine message. The Angel of the Lord’s reassurance was pivotal. Imagine being told by an angel not to fear! There’s a sort of gravity to the moment — an otherworldly presence bringing clarity to a potentially chaotic situation.

In the broader narrative of the Bible, angels often serve as God’s messengers, wrapping divine communication in both straightforwardness and awe. This particular angel stepped onto the scene during a volatile time, bringing not just a directive, but also the promise of hope, signifying that sometimes, what might seem like a stumbling block can actually become a stepping stone towards a greater purpose.

Historically, angels in biblical text often had important roles when announcing significant events. For instance, Gabriel announced the birth of John the Baptist, drawing a parallel to their critical roles in salvation history. The echo of angelic intervention resonates throughout scripture, symbolizing a link between the human experience and divine assurance.

Joseph's willingness to heed the angel’s voice reminds us that stepping out of fear into faith can lead to unexpected blessings. It makes you think: how often do opportunities arise from under troubling circumstances that require a shift in perspective? In these moments, a little bit of angelic insight can guide us through.

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