Bible Trivia Question
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When the prodigal son had wasted all his money, what job did he take up?
Tax collector
Find this question in our The Ministry of Jesus Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Swineherd
Luke 15:15 - The prodigal son, after squandering his inheritance, ended up feeding pigs, a position considered shameful for a Jewish person. This reinforces the depth of his downfall and illustrates God's grace upon repentance. Interestingly, Jesus would later express God's love through parables that emphasize redemption over judgment.
The story of the prodigal son, as narrated in Luke 15, cascading from wealth to destitution, showcases a vivid glimpse into the consequences of disappointment and bad decisions. The choice of swineherd as his job highlights how low he had fallen, especially in a Jewish context where pigs were deemed unclean and their husbandry was loathed. This layering of shame paves the way for breathtaking redemption, emphasizing a theme threaded throughout the Scriptures—no one is beyond rehabilitation.
Furthermore, the parable underscores the often-overlooked notion of familial and divine love. The father's unconditional acceptance of the wayward son signifies an ephemeral aspect of relationship—the lasting bond between the divine and humanity. It humorously echoes Israel's own wandering sojourn, as they too often strayed, only to embrace their roots once again.
Did you know that many Jewish listeners upon Jesus’ telling of this parable would have been aghast? This shock keeps its relevance alive today, proving that redemption keeps grinding through the wheels of life even when it seems circumstances leave us with nothing valuable left.
Through this act of dwelling among unclean animals, the prodigal son comes to a sobering realization, mirroring countless moments of epiphany in our own lives upon suffering consequences for our choices. He sought merely the most basic sustenance, aligning perfectly with the scriptural deep call for redemption—wanting nothing more than to come home.
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