Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
What was on the head of the woman clothed with the sun?
A halo of the moon
A crown of twelve stars
A horn of great power
Find this question in our The Book of Revelation Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: A crown of twelve stars
Rev 12 vs 1
In Revelation 12:1, we encounter a remarkably vivid image—the woman clothed with the sun, adorned with a glorious crown made of twelve stars. This striking symbolism is abundant in biblical references. The twelve stars commonly represent the twelve tribes of Israel, connecting her with the broader Jewish tradition. In this vision, the depiction hints at her status as the embodiment of God’s promise and covenant with His people.
Some find echoes of the Old Testament in such imagery. For instance, Joseph’s dream in Genesis 37 came to mind, where he dreamt of the sun, the moon, and eleven stars (representing his father Jacob and his eleven brothers) bowing to him. Interestingly, the sun in this context represents not just light, but also authority and majesty—qualities ascribed to divine figures throughout Scripture.
In addition, the number twelve holds significant meaning throughout the Bible; it often symbolizes completeness and the governing authority of God. So when reflecting on the twelve stars, one might consider it signifies a divine order providing hope amidst tribulation.
This heavenly woman, then, can be viewed as a figure of resilience and divine protection during oppressive times, like the community John was addressing in Revelation. It serves as a powerful reminder that our identities can be rooted deeply in connection to both community (the stars) and a higher source of light (the sun). Isn’t that a beautiful image of hope for today?
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