Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
What phrase did Jesus illustrate with parables?
I desire mercy not sacrifice
He that is least shall be made great
Give unto God the things that are Gods
Find this question in our Sayings of Jesus Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Many are called but few are chosen
Matthew 20 vs 16 and 22 vs 14
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus often shared parables that conveyed deep truths about the kingdom of heaven, one of which is summed up in the phrase "many are called, but few are chosen." This expression reflects the broader theme of the inclusive message of Jesus paradoxically linked to exclusivity.
In one of the most famous parables addressing this theme, the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16), laborers are called throughout the day – highlighting God’s understanding and compassion for all people, regardless of when they come to faith. Yet, it's the ones who come last who receive the same reward. The lesson is clear: God's grace isn’t confined by human standards of fairness!
Similarly, in the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-14), a king invites many guests to a banquet, but when the attendees fail to show the proper respect for the occasion, only those serious about the invitation remain. This parable echoes the beliefs about societal rejection and the gracious embrace of God's invitation.
Trivia alert! The phrase that Jesus used carries an interesting reflection echoed in ancient literature and philosophical traditions, reinforcing the idea that spiritual readiness or sincerity plays a critical role in one's acceptance into a proverbial "banquet."
It beautifully reminds us that understanding one's calling isn’t just about being chosen; rather, it's about responding with the right heart posture to the divine invitation that life offers. Keep your heart open! After all, you never know how or when the calling might come!
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