Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
What does Jesus say someone who wants to follow him must do?
Leave friends and family behind and sell all their possessions
Read the scriptures daily, and apply them to your life
Have a righteous heart and mind, and do the will of his Father
Find this question in our Sayings of Jesus Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him
Matthew 16 vs 24
In this directive from Jesus, we unpack a wealth of meaning in just a few words. When Jesus mentions denying oneself, it's like he's waving a flag inviting us to step outside our comfort zones. Imagine peeling away layers of self-interest, allowing us to engage with the world and others selflessly. Throughout teachings, many other voices within scripture emphasize humility and selflessness, echoing this very sentiment.
Next, "taking up the cross" was a shocking image for Jesus' audience. Crucifixion was not just a form of execution; it represented the ultimate sacrifice. By using this metaphor, Jesus challenges potential followers to embrace life's struggles openly. The cross was emblematic of neither an embellishment nor glory, but rather the depths of hardship and commitment. This would resonate deeply with those aware of Roman oppression.
Furthermore, the act of following Him leads us to a candid reflection on journeying in faith. The roots of this idea dig deep; of the twelve disciples, each had their unique path, yet they stepped into uncertainty – proving pivotal in shaping early Christianity. Talk about adventure!
Interestingly, many people from various backgrounds interpret this admonition with a sense of purpose. Each slice away from selfishness dovetails seamlessly into building community, supporting others, and striving for compassion, proof of how timeless these teachings can be! In today's world, embodying this calls to deeper connections embraces both struggle and reconciliation – powerful!
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