Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What does Jesus say someone who wants to follow him must do?

Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him
Have a righteous heart and mind, and do the will of his Father
Leave friends and family behind and sell all their possessions
Read the scriptures daily, and apply them to your life

Find out the answer in our Sayings of Jesus Bible Quiz

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This book of the Bible is the story of the life and death of Jesus which includes many of his sayings and prayers. In particular we have recorded for us, Jesus explaining that a man must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God, and Jesus explaining that he is the bread of life.

What are believers told to "take up" if they are to follow Jesus?

Their cross
Their beds
Their faith
Their money

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A legion of Roman soldiers
A multitude of the common people
The chief leaders of the people
A band of men and officers

How were the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?

By a messenger
An angel came and visited them
In a dream
A star appeared in the sky

When must we be prepared for Christ to return?

During the night
Not at all
During the day
At any time

What must a Christian do to earn the bread they eat?

Pay tithes
Give thanks always
Pray without ceasing
Work diligently