Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What did Jesus say regarding the law and the prophets?

I am come to confirm the teachings of the law and the prophets
I am come that we may discard the law
I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil
I am not come as Moses or Elijah, but one who is greater than they

Find this question in our Sayings of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil

Matthew 5 vs 17

In Matthew 5:17, which is part of the well-known Sermon on the Mount, Jesus declares that He came to fulfill the law and the prophets rather than to dismantle them. This statement hints at a deeper connection between Him and the entirety of Hebrew Scripture. The law, given mainly in the first five books of the Bible, establishes various commandments and guidelines for the ethical and spiritual conduct of the people. The prophets, on the other hand, delivered messages of warning and hope, reflecting a deep concern for justice, compassion, and faithfulness.

Why this matters can't be overstated! It signifies that the teachings of Jesus are not a random deviation; they build upon the existing tradition, revealing deeper meanings and urging a transformation in how these ancient statutes are understood.

For instance, the Ten Commandments receive a new twist in Jesus’ teachings, emphasizing the spirit of the law rather than merely the letter. This can be likened to the wisdom commonly echoing through cultural sayings like "it’s the thought that counts." In essence, Jesus invites followers into a deeper love and commitment—a connection that transcends mere obedience.

It’s also interesting that among Jewish tradition, the concept of "fulfillment" cosmicizes a profound understanding. In mystical contexts, fulfilling God's word implies achieving a harmonious relationship between divine intent and human action. So, when Jesus referenced fulfillment, He wasn't just excitedly fulfilling a role; He was redefining what it means to live life's purpose in alignment with divine wisdom!

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