Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Jesus used a little child to show the futility of what argument the disciples had?

Who is Jesus' favourite disciple
Which disciple's turn it is to get food
Which disciple is best at preaching
Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven

Find this question in our The 12 Disciples of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven

Matt 18:1-4 - They wanted to know who would have the principal offices and posts of honour, but Jesus showed them by the little child to put away their ambitious desires

When the disciples gathered around Jesus to debate who would sit at the top, they were caught up in a classic power struggle. Instead of indulging or validating their desire for status, Jesus pulled a child into the midst of them. This isn't just a sweet gesture; it's a profound statement. Children, in that era (much as in some cultures today), were not seen as power players—just the opposite, in fact. They were humble, dependent, and often overlooked.

By using a child as an illustration, Jesus highlighted that the values of the kingdom of heaven were worlds apart from earthly ambitions. It was a gentle yet powerful reminder that greatness in God's eyes isn’t about hierarchy or accolades, but rather about humility, innocence, and servanthood. “Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom,” he teaches.

Interesting trivia: In biblical culture, children were frequently symbolic of purity and openness. This episode echoes the sentiments found throughout the Scriptures about inversely valuing the strong and the weak, urging followers to adopt a posture of dependence rather than pride. In another instance, Jesus mentioned that “unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

So, when we consider the social dynamics at play, Jesus’s lesson remains striking: the pursuit of kingdom work is best achieved through simple-heartedness rather than through competition. Where do you see echoes of this principle in everyday life?

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