Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

In what was Jesus wrapped before he was buried?

Golden robes
Sheep skins
Linen clothes
Goat skins

Find this question in our The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Bible Quiz

The answer is: Linen clothes

Mark 15:46

When we think about the death and resurrection of Jesus, the imagery of linen clothes evokes deeper meanings. In Mark 15:46, Joseph of Arimathea wraps Jesus in fine linen after the Crucifixion, which invites contemplation on the value of what is mortal and how it’s intertwisted with the eternal. Linen, a fabric linked to purity and burial rituals in Jewish custom, signifies the tender care for the body even in death.

Interestingly, this practice of wrapping the deceased is not only a story element for Jesus; it reflects an ancient tradition seen in many cultures. In Egypt, for instance, the Embalmers would meticulously wrap mummies in linen, emphasizing the belief in an afterlife—a connection to resurrection! This brings us to another powerful echo found in Jesus’s own narrative; he speaks of the 'womb' and 'birthing' imagery often as metaphors for renewal and transformation.

Also notable is how beautifully intertwined these themes of death and rebirth are braided into the wider biblical tapestry. Consider how Lazarus was wrapped in burial cloths and is later called forth from the grave in John 11. Baptism, seen as the symbolic death of the old self, often uses water as a metaphor for rebirth—a motif that resonates in so many spiritual writings and reminds us that while our physical lives may end, the journey and the truest essence continue. Isn’t it fascinating how many layers there are within these stories?

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