Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which married couple did Paul become friends with at Corinth?

Aquila and Priscilla
Peter and Mary
Ananias and Sapphira
Jason and Lydia

Find this question in our Love and Marriage Bible Quiz

The answer is: Aquila and Priscilla

Acts 18:2-3

Ah, Aquila and Priscilla—the dynamic duo of the early church! When Paul arrived in Corinth, he found them already settled there and hard at work. These two are much more than just a husband-and-wife team; together, they represent the perfect blend of skill, leadership, and hospitality. Both skilled tentmakers, they opened their home to Paul, creating a safe haven for ministry.

Interestingly, their story transcends mere friendship; it's a story of collaboration and mentorship. They educated Apollos, an eloquent but somewhat incomplete preacher, giving him broader insights about Jesus (see Acts 18:24-26). This not only shows their deep understanding of the faith but also how vital supportive relationships were in the growth and spread of early Christian teachings.

Echoes of their partnership can be found throughout the New Testament, highlighting the roles women played in church leadership. Priscilla's name is often mentioned before Aquila’s, which is unusual for the time and indicates her prominence in their ministry work. It's fascinating to see the early church so diverse, featuring strong women who defied societal norms.

In a twist of modern irony, the tentmaking trade speaks to how everyday life and work can be sacred. Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla opened the door not only for practical support but also for profound spiritual connection—there’s a stunning parallel there for today’s communities promoting unity and teamwork.

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