Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

At what age did Sarah die?


Find this question in our Sarah Bible Quiz

The answer is: 127

Genesis 23:1 - Sarah lived to be 127 years old, making her the only woman in the Bible whose exact age at death is recorded.

Sarah's age at death, the remarkable figure of 127, isn’t just a number; it’s packed with meaning in the life of a woman who played a pivotal role in biblical history. She was known as the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, whose story is intertwined with themes of faith, patience, and transformation in both personal and covenantal contexts. Imagine the legacy Sarah left as she watched the transformations within her family and the promise of descendants that would come through Isaac.

Interestingly, her age reflects a significant timeframe in which women rarely lived long enough for their lifespans to be recorded. In fact, it was a symbol of divine favor. Ancient commentators often liked to note that her long life parallelled the generations of her descendants. For instance, Isaac would go on to live 180 years! Additionally, the amount of time from Sarah's death until the Israelites entered Egypt was seen as a span of promise and prophetic fulfillment that started with her.

Fun fact: Jewish tradition regards Sarah more than simply as the matriarch of the Jewish people—she's a symbol of womanly strength and resilience. This image resonates through ages—many cultures have considerable reverence for their symbolic matriarchs. In this way, the memory of Sarah endures well beyond the pages of scripture, pouring into eternity an inspiration of hope and legacy.

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