Bible Trivia Question
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Who made the altar at Bethel?
Find this question in our Josiah Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Jeroboam
2 Kings 23:15 - What Josiah did to this altar fulfilled a prophecy made hundreds of years earlier in 1 Ki 13:1-2 while Jeroboam was standing by it
Isn't it fascinating how the past, present, and future intertwine in the Bible? Josiah's act of destroying the altar at Bethel wasn’t just a political move; it was a powerful spiritual statement fulfilling a prophecy that echoed right from the early days of the kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam I, the very architect of this altar, had strayed from what many see as true worship, likely to solidify his own power after the division of the kingdom. Talk about setting a precedent!
This prophetic thread shows how intertwined history and divine intention can be. The prophecy delivered by the unnamed man of God in 1 Kings 13 foretold judgment against Jeroboam’s idolatry, and over three centuries later, Josiah's reverent gesture brought that word to fruition. Josiah became a beacon of reform and dedication, as he sought to return the nation to what he believed to be the righteousness gravel under God's commandments.
Thrillingly, links abound: symbolic parallels with the straight path safeguarded in loyalty and holiness. Jeroboam'saltar set the stage for a divided nation; Josiah’s decisive action aimed at unity through righteous worship. The quality of one person’s legacy can resonate through generations, giving hope or serving as a cautionary tale for those who choose a different path. No wonder the tales at Bethel, marked by idolatry and reform, still stir our hearts and minds today!
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