Bible Trivia Question
What's the Answer?
What did Legion first do when he saw Jesus from a distance?
Cried out with a loud voice
Ran and bowed before him
Hid behind a tree
Find this question in our Jesus Heals Legion Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Ran and bowed before him
Mark 5:6
The story of Legion is one of the Bible’s most vivid encounters, highlighting both the desperation of individuals suffering from personal demons and the transformative power of compassion. Legion, a man possessed by numerous spirits, was said to dwell among tombs and be fiercely uncontrollable. Yet, the moment he glimpses Jesus, something remarkable happens—he sprints towards Him and bows at His feet, a sight laden with layers of meaning.
First, this act of running and bowing reflects an innate recognition of something greater. It echoes throughout the Gospels where people instinctively seek and acknowledge the authority of Jesus—much like the woman with the issue of blood who also pressed forward in faith. Legion’s actions signify an essential human response: when faced with profound need or redemption, individuals recognize their prostrate position in relation to something divine.
Moreover, Legion's greeting emphasizes a powerful contrast. Despite his chaotic life tormented by spirits, he embodies our shared struggles—hiding our conflicts behind social expectations. In bowing, Legion not only shows acknowledgment of Jesus’ sovereignty but mirrors our quest for healing and belonging.
And speaking of tombs, there’s a fun bit of trivia! During Jesus's time, tombs were associated with death and decay. Now, though the man was shackled by his inner turmoil, healing is often about breaking free from the ‘tombs’ of our own struggles towards a new life. It’s a compelling image! In exploring these narratives, we encounter not just the stories of the past, but principles relevant to our lives today. Sharing connections to healing can shape community, understanding, and compassion for the experiences we face as humans.
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