Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What arrangements did the Samaritan make for the man's further care?

Arranged for a doctor to visit him
Left his donkey so he could get home
Gave two pence to provide care
Left him an address to visit

Find this question in our The Good Samaritan Bible Quiz

The answer is: Gave two pence to provide care

Luke 10 v 35

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, found in Luke 10, we witness a compelling example of compassion and neighborly love that transcends cultural divides. After tending to the injured man and ensuring his immediate needs were addressed, the Samaritan goes the extra mile by arranging for his further care. He gives the innkeeper two pence—enough for several days’ lodging—which reflects his deep commitment to the man's recovery.

Now, let’s talk about that Samaritan! Using the term "Samaritan" at the time was like saying someone from a neighborhood not regarded as reputable today—the Samaritans were often considered outsiders by the Jews. Yet, this very outsider becomes the hero of the story. This twist slyly challenges societal norms, urging listeners to reevaluate whom we classify as our neighbor.

And let’s not overlook the symbolism here! Two pence symbolizes not just a monetary value but demonstrates that help can come from unexpected places. The inn itself could be seen as a sanctuary where healing occurs—a dynamic parallel to how many view the church and community today.

Interesting tidbit: The image of a “Good Samaritan” has found its way into modern vernacular, symbolizing selfless assistance to others in dire need. This timeless principle is a powerful reminder that true kindness knows no boundaries, opening our minds and hearts to others—much like our Good Samaritan!

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