Bible Trivia Question
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1Sa 20:9 my father that harm should come to you...
Find this question in our Hidden Words (I) - Body Parts Bible Quiz
Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: arms|arm
1Sa 20:9 my father that hARM Should come to you...
In the context of 1 Samuel 20:9, the mention of harm, featuring wordplay on “arms,” creates a vivid image of both danger and protection. The story revolves around the deep friendship between David and Jonathan, where Jonathan warns David of King Saul’s plans to attack him. This illustrates a loyal bond that withstands the test of power and fear, showing us that true friendship often involves looking out for one another’s safety.
Wordplay in biblical texts adds an extra layer of meaning, not uncommon in Jewish literature. In Hebrew writings, certain word affinities guided ancient readers to deeper connections. Did you know that the Hebrew word for "arm" (זְרוֹעַ, *zeruah*) also conveys strength and might? It's interesting to note that while “arms” can denote physical defense, it carries emotional implications too—depicting not just physical intervention, but also support, nurturing, and relationship.
Typically in scripture, arms can evoke images of God as a protector. Psalm 121:5 even speaks of “The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade on your right hand,” suggesting His protective ‘arm’ around believers. When recalling David’s flight and Jonathan’s warning, we see simultaneous imagery of earthly and divine support intertwined, painting a richer tapestry of divine friendship in difficult times. Through this lens, we recognize the upkeep of relationships and benevolence goes beyond simple gestures—it reflects powerful narratives of faith, resilience, and friendship.
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