Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for..." is found in which book of the Bible?


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The answer is: Hebrews

Heb 11:1

Hebrews 11:1 has become one of the most quoted verses about faith, and it brilliantly sets the stage for a rich exploration of what it means to believe despite what we can see. The term “substance” might catch your eye; it’s quite the eye-opener! In the original Greek, it carries the idea of “confidence” or “assurance.” This brings a deeper edge to faith—not just wishful thinking but a sturdy handhold on promises yet to unfold.

Faith, as described here, isn't simply a position we take; it's a lively movement toward what lies ahead, a dedication to possibilities. Intriguingly, Hebrews 11 follows a lineup of faith heroes from the Old Testament—think Abel, Noah, and Abraham. They’re like a spiritual Hall of Fame, showcasing that faith can take various shapes and sizes. Each story illustrates taking steps toward the unknown based on assurance, even when physical proof rests beyond reach.

Did you know that even the word “faith” can link us back to the stories of Israel’s journey? It might spark thoughts related to the concept of belief and trust found in David's Psalms. For ancient people longing for the promise of a better tomorrow, faith was a world where hope reigned supreme—echoes of these themes are woven throughout all of scripture! And each prophetic line enriches this plea for trust, inviting us into a deeper storyline—one that continues to unfold even today.

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