Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Who prevented a war when he said "you should not fight against your brothers" to Rehoboam?


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The answer is: Shemaiah

2 Chr 11:2-4

In the intriguing narrative surrounding Rehoboam in 2 Chronicles, Shemaiah serves as a remarkable figure of wisdom and guidance. Following King Solomon's death, Rehoboam's heavy-handed approach alarmed the tribes of Israel and led to their rebellion. Just when things threatened to spiral into conflict, enter Shemaiah — a prophet sent by God. The scene captures the significance of divine intervention in human affairs, urging us to reflect on the importance of peacemaking, particularly among those who are close, much like brothers.

Isn't it fascinating that throughout the Bible, the concept of brotherhood often implies more than mere kinship? For instance, the term can sprawl out to encompass the overall community of believers, reinforcing the need for unity. Shemaiah's message echoes this sentiment; he promotes internal harmony instead of strife, embodying principles that are timeless.

Furthermore, the verses leading up to Shemaiah's plea reveal the chaotic splits within Israel when the kingdom divided into two - Israel and Judah. This would foreshadow future tensions and illustrate a deeper underlying principle: conflicts often brew within families or groups, whether that’s personal disputes or national divisions. Today, the call for unity and peace carries the same weight as it did in Rehoboam’s time. In essence, we can learn much from Shemaiah - sometimes, addressing the conflict before it escalates is the truest form of leadership.

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