Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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What did Elisha throw in the poisoned stew to make it edible?


Find this question in our Elisha Bible Quiz

The answer is: Flour

2 Ki 4:41

In the story found in 2 Kings 4:41, we witness a moment of divine intervention through the prophet Elisha. When the unnamed servant of the prophets prepared a stew for a group of prophets, he inadvertently used poisonous gourds, which resulted in something unpalatable for everyone. But fear not! Elisha comes to the rescue, throws some flour into the pot, and just like that, tranquility restored! Flour here is not just a cooking ingredient; it symbolizes God's ability to turn the dangerous into safe offerings.

Fun fact: flour in ancient times was closely tied to community and sustenance. Bread, made from flour, is one of the oldest food staples, needed for both physical survival and ritual. This raises thoughts of manna from heaven, where God provided for the Hebrews wandering in the desert—a connection where sustenance is provided supernaturally as well!

Furthermore, Elisha’s role in the story speaks volumes about exactly how profoundly care for one another underscores unity. He stepped in at a time of crisis, exemplifying communal responsibility and compassion. It appears both Elisha and his budding band of prophets learned an important tactic: facing difficulties together and relying on trust in a greater power beyond themselves. Whether physical danger or metaphorical poison retrieved through negativity, Elisha reminds us all; a little faith—or in this case, a bit of flour—can work miracles!

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