Bible Trivia Question
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What did Elisha sprinkle into the polluted waters of Jericho to heal them?
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Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Salt
2 Ki 2:21
In the tale of Elisha curing the waters of Jericho, it's fascinating to note the significant role that salt plays in both the narrative and in ancient cultures. When Elisha threw salt into the water—sanctified water at that—he not only reversed the bitterness of the springs but also tied back to Israel’s covenant with God. Salt, throughout the Bible, is seen as a symbol of purification, preservation, and even a reminder of promises.
Jericho itself is historically noteworthy, as it is often called one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. But here, we see it as a place where negativity—polluted waters—couldn't dwell when faced with the divine intervention delivered through Elisha. His act is a testament to his prophetic authority and is reflective of how God cares for both physical and spiritual needs.
There’s an interesting tidbit—the use of salt isn’t limited to this miracle! In Leviticus, salt is tied to offerings and is said to represent the eternal covenant. Think of it as God's magnetic connection to us, always pulling us back, healings and all.
Elisha, successor to Elijah, often served as a beacon of embrace and hope and had an adventurous life filled with miracles, making his stories something to marvel at! Imagine what a splash that salty sprinkle must have caused at the springs. Healing through an unsuspecting ingredient shows us that even simple things can bring restoration!
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