Bible Trivia Question
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Who was the first person recorded as getting drunk?
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Click to reveal the answerThe answer is: Noah
Gen 9:21
In the biblical narrative, following the great flood, we encounter Noah, a man chosen for his righteousness, becoming the first individual to get intoxicated. In the charming yet cautionary tale of Genesis 9:20-21, Noah, after working hard on farming the land, decides to indulge in wine. Instead of a celebratory feast, he finds himself in a rather humbling state of drunkenness, exposing himself in his tent—a scene which serves as a mixed platter of humor and lesson.
Here's where it gets even more interesting! This isn't just a story about a drunken escapade; it sets the stage for exploring human frailty. Noah was a stalwart of faith, yet he exhibited vulnerability, reminding us that even the most revered figures are not devoid of flaws. This incident sounds alarm bells as it subtly hints at the danger of excess.
Noah's two sons, Ham and Shem, reacted quite differently to their father’s condition, pulling their lesson from what some might call comedic absurdity. In fact, Ham's unseemly behavior resulted in a family curse and is illustrative of how honoring one’s origin can ripple through generations, creating lasting legacies—both good and bad.
This echoes in other Scripture where wine and drunkenness surface as themes, reminding readers inside and outside the church how important balance and moderation are in life pursuits, especially concerning one’s relationship to earthly delights!
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