Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Who was king of the southern kingdom when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria?


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The answer is: Hezekiah

2 Kings 18:10-12 - Hezekiah reigned during a tumultuous period marked by both faithfulness to God and significant threats from Assyria. His reign is notable for the religious reforms he implemented, centralizing worship in Jerusalem, as well as his confidence in God’s deliverance during the Assyrian siege (2 Kings 19).

King Hezekiah’s reign indeed features prominently during a time of crisis. The northern kingdom of Israel's fall to Assyria around 722 BCE turns the spotlight onto Hezekiah’s actions in the south. Unlike the idolatrous practices that permeated Israel, Hezekiah was committed to restoring proper worship of Yahweh.

One of his most remarkable accomplishments was the revival of the Passover, which had been neglected for years, showing a deep desire for return and repentance among his people (2 Chronicles 30). This focus on re-establishing covenant faithfulness paved the way for greater national unity.

The resilience Hezekiah displayed against Assyrian aggression is inspiring. The threat was significant when king Sennacherib laid siege to Jerusalem, but Hezekiah remained steadfast, bolstered by his belief in divine intervention. According to tradition, the angel of the Lord struck down 185,000 soldiers in the Assyrian camp overnight, showcasing perhaps one of the most extraordinary demonstrations of faith in action. Many scholars believe this miracle reinforced the credence of divine providence across Judah.

Interestingly, Hezekiah did face challenges, including a brief alliance with Egypt, demonstrating that even faithful leaders grappled with earthly pressures. Willing to seek assistance externally while clinging to his religious convictions, Hezekiah exemplified a complex but relatable relationship between human strategy and divine trust during troubled times.

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