Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Stephen was stoned to death


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The answer is: True

Acts 7:58

Indeed, Stephen was stoned to death, making him the first Christian martyr, and his story is a powerful component of early Christian history. In Acts 7:58, we witness not just his gruesome fate but also a crucial turning point for the early church. Stephen's bold declaration of faith and his impassioned speech challenging the religious authorities enraged them, proving just how intolerant society can be to dissent and faith outside established norms. This moment underlines a stark contrast—the peace of conviction vs. the violence of anger.

But let’s dig a bit deeper! Fun trivia: while Stephen faced martyrdom, the event also marked the beginning of widespread persecution against early Christians. Acts tells us that Saul—who later became Paul, the apostle—was there, approving of Stephen's execution. Imagine that twist in the plot, where a future evangelist once stood on the sidelines, transformed later on into one of the greatest advocates of the very faith he once helped to persecute!

Stephen's martyrdom echoes throughout Christian faith today, symbolizing courage in the face of tribulation. It's a striking parallel to other civil rights struggles throughout history, where individuals have stood for their beliefs despite dire consequences. The declaration of unwavering faith, like Stephen showcased, resonates not only in religious context but also inspires social movements even in contemporary times. His legacy reminds us that from tragedy can arise profound strength and resolve.

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