Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Mary, mother of Jesus, was at the wedding in Cana


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The answer is: True

John 2:1

Yes, Mary, the mother of Jesus, played a significant role at the wedding in Cana, a small town in Galilee. This event, told in John 2:1-11, kickstarts Jesus’ ministry with a bang, showcasing both His compassion and power. When they ran out of wine—a big social faux pas—Mary quietly mentions it to her son. Her unwavering faith is evident when she tells the servants to do whatever Jesus instructs them.

Fun fact: This miracle is often considered Jesus' first public act of ministry, setting a bottle—ahem, a precedent—for His incorporation of the everyday into the divine. The miracle handles a simple yet poignant human need—marriage celebrations in ancient Israel were marathons that lasted several days, with wine flowing readily. Running low on wine could potentially threaten the reputation of the hosts!

Moreover, this narrative presents an echo of many Old Testament themes. Wine represents joy and God’s blessings, called “the blood of the grape,” in Genesis 49:11. In typical Hebrew tradition, gatherings that involved wine symbolized celebration and fellowship, a sort of foreshadowing of the fellowship Jesus would extend throughout His ministry.

Interestingly, the six stone jars filled with water that Jesus transforms into wine symbolize purification rites in Judaism. This act illustrates Jesus moving away from the old order of ritual purification to usher in a new relationship with God — one filled with transformative joy which must not be overlooked!

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