Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

What does Jesus say that the meek shall inherit?

Everlasting life
The Throne of God
The earth
The Treasure of Heaven

Find this question in our The Gospel of Matthew Bible Quiz

The answer is: The earth

Matt 5:5

In Matthew 5:5, Jesus declares, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." This declaration comes from the Beatitudes—a series of teachings that set the tone for what it truly means to live a life aligned with kindness, humility, and peace. It’s interesting to note that meekness is often misunderstood; people might equate it with weakness, but the biblical usage of the term signals strength under control—similar to a well-trained horse that has immense power but is gentle with its rider.

When Jesus spoke this timeless truth, he also echoed earlier scriptures like Psalm 37:11: “But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.” Here, you can see that the inheritance isn't shaded in terms of worldly gain but reflects a substantial spiritual truth, presenting a future filled with harmony and abundance—something often overshadowed by a culture obsessed with power and status.

Moreover, the phrase carries deeper implications for ecological and social justice discussions today. By declaring that the meek inherit the earth, there’s an encouragement for those marginalized or overlooked by society. It reflects a hopeful future where vulnerability and meekness are transformed into conditions for stewardship over the earth, cultivating an environment of peace rather than oppression.

So when you embrace this idea of meekness, remember that it isn't about passivity; it’s about advocating for the less fortunate, standing up for harmony, and fostering a future where everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can thrive!

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