Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which two of Jacob's sons took revenge on Shechem?

Asher and Dan
Reuben and Benjamin
Naphtali and Issachar
Simeon and Levi

Find this question in our Genesis Bible Quiz

The answer is: Simeon and Levi

Gen 34:25-26

Simeon and Levi’s act of vengeance in Genesis 34 stands out for its dramatic content, but it also unveils deeper revelations about character, justice, and consequences. After their sister Dinah was violated by Shechem, the sons concoct a plan that sets the stage for a display of both loyalty and violence. On the third day after Shechem’s circumcision, while the men were still in pain, Simeon and Levi attacked, wielding their swords with deadly efficiency.

This moment also serves as a pivotal exploration of moral ambiguity. On one hand, the brothers seek to defend the honor of their sister; on the other, their means of justice leads to slaughter. It raises questions about the sanity of revenge and the limits of familial loyalty: How far should one go to protect loved ones? Throughout the rest of the Bible, themes of vengeance often resurface, leading curious minds to wonder—the actions of Simeon and Levi solidify their harsh reputation among their descendants, eventually culminating in blessings pronounced by Jacob, which reveal mixed temperaments with consequences that hold down through generations.

Interestingly, the names of Simeon and Levi echo their emotions. Simeon means "hearing"—perhaps applicable here in listening to Dinah's distress—while Levi suggests "attached," representing the strong bonds of family that can sometimes inspire dangerous, far-reaching decisions. Reflecting on their story reminds us that the drive for justice can take many forms—challenging us to ponder what true justice really looks like in our own lives today.

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