Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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How old was Caleb (one of the original 12 spies) when he was given Hebron as his inheritance?


Find this question in our The Book of Joshua Bible Quiz

The answer is: 85

Josh 14:10 - He was forty when Moses sent him out to spy on the land and forty-five years had passed since that time.

Caleb is one of those remarkable figures in the Bible whose grit and determination inspire people generations later. Picture it: sent out as one of the twelve spies, he was just an enthusiastic forty years old when he first stepped into the land of Canaan, a vivacious soul ready to explore. Fast forward 45 years—that’s nearly half a century of wandering in the wilderness—during which he held on to that same passionate spirit and faith! When he finally received Hebron as his inheritance at age 85, Caleb showed that age is just a number when it comes to following one’s dreams.

Fun fact: Hebron is steeped in history, often mentioned alongside other significant biblical locations. It was the home of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, where some say the cave of Machpelah became a family tomb for these patriarchs. Caleb, then, was quite literally taking a step into the legendary soil of his ancestors.

The mention of Caleb standing strong at an elderly age implies a greater lesson than mere age—it encourages us to hold firm to our convictions throughout life's unpredictable journey. His example nudges us to embrace resilience and showcases the idea that with faith, one can still grasp new beginnings, even later in life. Who thought an 85-year-old could take on new territory? Talk about living life with zeal at any age!

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