Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

After the last supper, what did Jesus and his disciples do before going to the Mount of Olives?

Sung a hymn
Changed their shoes
Offered a sacrifice
Read the prophecy of Daniel

Find this question in our The Gospel of Mark Bible Quiz

The answer is: Sung a hymn

Mark 14:26

Imagine the scene: after an emotionally charged dinner that would become historic, Jesus and His disciples found themselves in the glow of an age-old tradition. They didn't just rush out; they paused to lift their voices together in song! The act of singing a hymn shows the power of communal worship right before they faced a turbulent night.

In biblical days, these hymns were typically parts of the Hallel, Psalms 113-118, which celebrated Passover and expressed gratitude and praise. Singing served not only as a form of devotion but also as a way to bond — uniting the group in their shared hopes and fears. It was their way of anchoring themselves in faith before stepping into uncertainty.

Interestingly, the practice echoes throughout the Bible. From Paul and Silas singing in prison (Acts 16) to the what Colossians 3:16 highlights about teaching and admonishing each other through songs, God’s people have always cherished the act of singing as vital to worship and encouragement.

This harmonious moment added layers to their relationship with Jesus. Even on the brink of betrayal, someone like Judas was spiritually nourished alongside others, reminding us of the complex nature of community. Soon, they would face trials together, but this brief interlude encapsulated their faith. So next time we sing, we tap into that age-old thread that connects believers through song!

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