Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Why should we not judge people?

So that we are not judged
Because God will judge them
In case we are wrong
Because we are sinners

Find this question in our The Sermon on the Mount Bible Quiz

The answer is: So that we are not judged

Matthew 7:1-2 - This passage underscores the principle of reciprocal judgment; our harsh judgments toward others can return to us. It reminds us that everyone is flawed and, thus, we should practice empathy and understanding rather than condemnation. Romans 3:23 further reinforces that all have sinned, emphasizing humility in our interactions.

The message in Matthew 7:1-2 is rich with wisdom essential for both personal and communal life. When we think about judging others, it’s instructive to consider that Jesus was addressing a society quick to label and condemn, an issue not unlike our own day. By advocating for non-judgment, he calls attention to our shared humanity—imperfect, mistake-prone, and constantly in need of grace.

One can't help but recall the ancient proverb "judge not, lest ye be judged" reflects this timeless principle; what goes around, comes around. It provides motivation to select kindness over criticism. When looking at Romans 3:23, it reminds us that everyone has shortcomings. The more we grasp our faults, the more understanding and compassion we’re likely to show to others facing similar struggles.

Interestingly, the Greek word for “judge” used in the New Testament—“krino”—is linked to the idea of separating or estimating. This points toward the inherent subjectivity in judgment. When people place themselves in authority over others, they create divisions rather than fostering community. Notably, tales in the Hebrew scriptures illustrate how God, often described as patient and slow to anger, prioritizes relationship over retribution.

Thus, India's tradition of “ahimsa” or non-violence reflects similar wisdom; it teaches that using judgment harshly can produce unintended harm. Empathy can lead us to greater understanding, paving the way for a more harmonious existence, touching upon lessons that circulate in various cultures and creeds alike.

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