Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Of what three things should a king not have multiples?

Horses, wives, money
Wives, foreign treaties, rich clothing
Money, palaces, menservants
Horses, soldiers, ships

Find this question in our Deuteronomy Bible Quiz

The answer is: Horses, wives, money

Deut 17:16-17

In Deuteronomy 17:16-17, we see specific instructions directing the ways a king should govern wisely and morally. The commandments against having too many horses, wives, and wealth are more than just playbooks for monarchs; they signify deeper lessons about balance and humility.

Horses, in ancient Israel, symbolized military power and grandeur. A king accumulating excessive horses might become overly reliant on military might over peaceful solutions. This is echoed in Psalm 20:7, where the faithful are reminded, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Here, the focus shifts from resource accumulation to faithfulness.

Wives represent a different challenge—the potential for divided loyalty and distraction. Kings often fell into marrying multiple women for political alliances. This showed an alarming trend toward vulnerability to foreign influences, as seen in the story of King Solomon whose many wives led him astray (1 Kings 11:1-4).

Lastly, wealth—while not inherently evil—can become a slippery slope into greed and tyranny. The safety net it offers could foster a false sense of security. In their pursuit of riches, leaders can neglect the needs of their people, leading to social injustices.

In essence, Deuteronomy's counsel stresses that a leader’s strength lies not in quantity but in inner virtues, accountability, and the ability to remain their true self in temptation-filled environments. The wisdom shared echoes brilliantly through ages, highlighting timeless governance principles.

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