Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Which of these is not declared as a witness of Jesus?

The work God gave Jesus
John the Baptist
Nature and creation

Find this question in our The Gospel of John Bible Quiz

The answer is: Nature and creation

John 5:31-47

In the Gospel of John, the theme of testimony runs throughout the narrative—as if the very creation around us collaborates in weaving a grand tapestry that testifies to the divinity of Jesus. It’s intriguing to think about how nature can be seen as a witness! For instance, in Psalms, the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1), echoing the idea that creation, in its splendor, points to higher truths.

In John 5:31-47, Jesus makes it clear that human testimony is secondary to divine verification. While John the Baptist and even the works of Jesus serve as witnesses, nature itself is quietly absent. It suggests a sovereign choice about what might be known—tempting us to try to read the signs of the universe, but leaving us with human stories of faith and interaction instead.

Now, for a little trivia: the early Christians sometimes referred to Jesus as the “Logos,” which implies an ordering principle in the universe—something intended to harmonize creation and spirit. This echoes back to Genesis, where God spoke the universe into being. So, while nature isn’t officially a witness to Jesus in this text, it doesn’t mean it isn't whispering truths about the divine to those inclined to listen.

Whenever you look at a sunset or a flowing river, consider how these elements might reflect something deeper—a non-verbal testimony to the divine spirit in the world around us.

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