Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

According to Jesus, what is the earth?

God's garden
God's footstool
God's throne
God's creation

Find out the answer in our The Sermon on the Mount Bible Quiz

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What did the earth look like in the beginning?

Without form and empty
Rocky land and mountains
Covered in a dense jungle
Empty with dry deserts

How was the earth watered initially?

Mist went up from the earth
Dew settled on the ground
The seas and lakes overflowed
Rain fell from the sky

Who said "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men"?

Wise men

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What was the beast from the earth like?

He had a voice that spake blasphemies
He had seven heads and ten horns
He had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon
He had the face of a bear and the tail of a dragon

What happened when the third vial of wrath was poured on the earth?

The waters dried up on the face of the earth
The sea became as the blood of a dead man
The rivers and fountains of waters became blood
There fell grievous sores upon men

What item does Gideon ask God to put dew on overnight while the earth around it remained dry?

A fleece of wool
A linen cloth
A round cheese
A hide from a goat

The angel said "Peace on earth to all men"?
