Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Who did Jesus appear to first after his resurrection?

His mother, Mary
Mary Magdalene

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The answer is: Mary Magdalene

Mark 16:9

Isn't it fascinating that Mary Magdalene was the first to see the resurrected Jesus? This highlights her importance in the Easter story and the greater message of redemption and restoration throughout the New Testament. Uniquely, she was not only a woman but also someone from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons—a detail from Luke 8:2 that signifies her remarkable transformation.

Mary Magdalene's encounter with the risen Christ takes place in a garden near the tomb, which echoes the biblical theme of gardens as places of new beginnings. Remember Eden? It's where humanity started anew and also where stories of rebirth often yield fruit. In John 20:14 event, her tears, turned to joy at the recognition of Jesus—"Rabboni!"—demonstrates profound personal reconnection and trust.

Historically, women often held significant, albeit sometimes less recognized, roles in the origins of Christianity. Mary’s fierce loyalty reflects a common thread found amongst notable biblical women, such as Deborah’s leadership in Judges or Ruth's courageous loyalty. So, by being the first to carry the news of Jesus’ resurrection, Mary positions herself as the first apostle, spreading the good news and setting a precedent for women in ministry and leadership.

Mary Magdalene's special call is carried through generations, serving as a reminder that sometimes it is the seemingly marginalized who are chosen for meaningful purposes—encouraging a look beyond tradition to reveal conviction and strength where it's least expected.

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