Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Why did Peninnah provoke Hannah?

She was aged
She was blind
She was lame
She was barren

Find this question in our Women of the Bible Quiz

The answer is: She was barren

1 Sam 1:4-6

In the story of Hannah and Peninnah from 1 Samuel, we see the profound impact jealousy and rivalry can have on human relationships. Peninnah, who had children, engaged in cruel mockery of Hannah, who bore no children and was deeply saddened by her condition. This situation offers us a vivid illustration of the social pressures surrounding motherhood in ancient cultures. It’s interesting to note that Hannah's distress was not merely about her barrenness; it was also wrapped in societal expectations of women at the time.

As you reflect on Peninnah’s actions, keep in mind that rivalries such as this are not isolated incidents in the Bible. They echo similar dynamics found in stories like Sarah and Hagar and Leah and Rachel, highlighting the struggles between women often instigated by societal norms and internal challenges.

Hannah’s journey symbolizes a powerful theme of perseverance and faith. She responds to her anguish not with retaliation against Peninnah but by turning to God in prayer, making her vital vow for a son. This decision not only illustrates her strength but also initiates a remarkable divine story—Hannah eventually becomes Samuel's mother! Samuel, in his turn, plays a crucial role as a prophet, anointing the kings of Israel.

This narrative had lasting life lessons about faith, compassion, and the complexities of human relationships, putting it down as a significant story within the rich tapestry of biblical history, which reflects continual struggles and victories in our journeys through challenges.

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