Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

Complete this proverb of Solomon: "A word fitly spoken is like..."

The blossom of the fig tree
A righteous man proclaiming his faith
Apples of gold in pictures of silver
A beauteous day from the Lord

Find this question in our Solomon Bible Quiz

The answer is: Apples of gold in pictures of silver

Proverbs 25:11 - This vivid imagery illustrates the beauty and value of well-timed, thoughtful words. Solomon mastered the art of wisdom through parables, often using striking metaphors to communicate profound truths. Interestingly, the New Testament echoes this sentiment in Ephesians 4:29, urging believers to speak words that benefit and uplift others.

Solomon had a real knack for capturing complex ideas in memorable imagery. When he describes "a word fitly spoken" as “like apples of gold in pictures of silver," he’s essentially painting a mental picture that equates wise words to precious treasures—a lovely, shiny reward for both speaker and recipient. You can visualize the beauty: rich golden apples set against a glistening silver backdrop, an image that highlights how well-chosen words can command attention and admiration.

Curiously, Solomon often used metaphors interwoven throughout his proverbs, referencing natural elements, to make abstract wisdom more relatable. Did you know that "apple" in ancient times wasn't necessarily the same fruit we think of today? While some scholars speculate these apples might refer to something like quinces or pomegranates, the association is undoubtedly one of sweetness and desirability.

The Bible doesn’t stop its advocacy for thoughtful speech with Solomon. The book of James weighs in as well, declaring the tongue a small but stirring member of the body—capable of both wreaking havoc or offering life. In today's digital age, where every typed word is immediately accessible, the weight of our messages often feels heavier than ever. So, whether through spoken communication or a quick text, remember: a word well-timed is not just a tool for conversation but a creative, beautiful art!

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