Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

What's the Answer?

A wholesome (healing), tongue is described as what?

Life of the flesh
A medicine
An excellent spirit
A tree of life

Find this question in our Proverbs Bible Quiz

The answer is: A tree of life

Pro 15:4

Proverbs 15:4 brings us a beautiful metaphor when it speaks of a wholesome tongue being “a tree of life.” The imagery here is profound; trees, throughout the biblical narrative, often symbolize growth, vitality, and provision. Think of the rich details: just like a flourishing tree provides shade, fruit, and shelter, a wholesome tongue offers encouragement, hope, and compassion.

In the ancient Near East, trees were vital to life—offering sustenance, wood for construction, and shade from the sweltering sun. So, when the proverb calls a wholesome tongue a “tree of life,” it resonates deeply with the idea that our words have the power to uplift and nurture the souls around us. Conversely, unwholesome talk is like a barren tree—instead of comfort and sustenance, it brings heartache and despair.

This concept echoes nicely with the New Testament, where Jesus illustrates that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" (Luke 6:45). It’s a reminder of how our words are reflections of our inner selves. Interestingly, in the Christian canon, the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden represents eternal life—a poetic connection to how truthful, healing speech impacts our immediate world while aspiring to greater spiritual understanding.

So, it’s no wonder that cultivating a wholesome tongue aligns with nurturing a garden, both requiring careful tending, practice, and lots of grace!

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