Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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Which book of the Bible precedes Jonah?


Find this question in our The Book of Jonah Bible Quiz

The answer is: Obadiah

The order of the minor prophets is always difficult to remember. The index in the front of your Bible should help.

Jonah, the runaway prophet with a whale of a tale, follows Obadiah in the Book of the Twelve, which is how the Minor Prophets are grouped. Obadiah, relatively short and often overshadowed, shares a single chapter focused on the downfall of Edom, addressing themes of pride and justice. Though it’s a brief book, it sets the stage for Jonah’s more dramatic narrative.

One interesting tidbit about Jonah is his prophetic gig isn’t just about him running from God; it reflects a broader message about compassion versus judgment. Jonah’s reluctance to preach to Nineveh, a city famous for its wickedness, shows us the depths of divine mercy. It hints that redemption isn’t just for the Israelite nation but also for their enemies, exposing our human propensity to want the “bad guys” to get their just desserts.

Did you know Jonah’s experience in the belly of the fish has sparked loads of literary and artistic interpretations over the centuries? This amusing imagery can evoke thoughts of a mobile spa for Jonah or serve as a perfect metaphor for situations where we feel swallowed by our circumstances!

Plus, when it comes to memory aids, keep an eye on the key themes associated with each prophet. Recognizing Obadiah as the book of judgment can help you keep track of how it paves the way for Jonah's contrasting story of mercy and forgiveness. Remember, the Minor Prophets may be short in length, but they’re packed with deeper meanings begging for exploration!

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