Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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The wise men were present at the birth site of Jesus?


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The answer is: False

Almost every depiction of the nativity scene shows well dressed wise men, surrounded by shepherds, presenting their gifts to Jesus while he was in the manger. The Bible truth is very different for they clearly did not visit Jesus while he was still lying in the manger (Matt 2 v 11). They met in a house and Jesus was a young child. It is possible that he was walking and talking by the time they reached him. Herod ordered the killing of all the children up to two years old for he knew that Jesus could have been nearly two years old by then. (Matt 2 v 16)

Many of us grew up with that enchanting image of the nativity scene, complete with shining star, cute shepherds, and the elegantly clad wise men who arrive just in the nick of time. Yet, the truth behind the timeline of their visit nudges us to peek a little deeper into the story of Jesus's early life.

Despite the glittering gold and soft glows captured in imagery, scholars often point out the magnetic links between these wise men, or Magi, and the era's fascination with astrology and prophecy. These figures — likely priests or astronomers from the East — were not just casual passers-by; they're symbols of a world that looked towards the heavens for guidance. It's interesting that their very journey seems to echo back to prophecies in Isaiah (60:1-6), painting Jesus as a light that even outsiders would seek.

The visit didn't occur in the humble settings of a manger, chock full of livestock and scents but in a house where Mary’s nurturing efforts are emphasized not through a feed trough, but in the protection of her young child. Also fascinating is Herod’s response to the ages of boys — it underscores the shift of Jesus not just as a local phenomenon, but a God who threatens the current powers, potentially shaking the very foundations of political structures. This aspect only continues to develop as Christianity grows and helps nurture the seeds of future leaders and movements throughout history.

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