Bible Trivia

Bible Trivia Question

Bible Trivia Question

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God told people to remember the birth of his son?


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The answer is: False

We are told to remember Jesus' death, not his birth. (1 Cor 11 v 23 - 26)

It's true that among the core festivities of Christmas, the scriptures don’t emphasize a clear order for remembering Jesus' birth like they do for His death. In fact, the New Testament largely focuses on the significance of Christ's passion—His crucifixion and resurrection—as the act of redemption. This focus emerges predominantly from texts like 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, which recounts the Last Supper and explains that “whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.”

Yet, the nativity story, while not a commandment for observance, carries immense meaning. It echoes prophecies from the Hebrew Scriptures, tying Jesus' birth into a rich tapestry of divine promises made to humanity. For instance, in Isaiah 7:14, the foretelling of a virgin giving birth is a cornerstone that links the Old and New Testaments, illustrating how Jesus' arrival was anticipated.

Moreover, interestingly, while Christmas traditions have flourished over centuries—decorating trees, singing carols, and cramming chimneys—the earliest Christians likely didn’t celebrate Jesus' birth; it wasn't until the 4th century that December 25 became formalized as Christmas. So, while His birth is celebrated, the scriptures call Christians to center their faith on His ultimate sacrifice. This contrast enriches the calendar of remembrance, blending joy with profound meaning.

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